Our Mission: Safety, Wholeness, Empowerment

Your Impact: Hope, Healing, and Restoration


Our Work

Amani Sasa ministers to vulnerable refugees and their families who are traumatized, abused, trafficked and/or vulnerable to exploitation in Uganda. The ministry includes emergency services, counseling, group therapy and support groups for refugees. Amani Sasa also has in depth trauma healing and empowerment programs for young mothers, women, men and children at risk.


Our Impact

Amani Sasa started with the goal of providing holistic opportunities for refugees to experience God’s healing and transformation. It is a robust and holistic ministry program serving hundreds of people each year.



Impacted by our empowerment programs

Each year we invest deeply in the empowerment and transformation of the most vulnerable refugees though savings and support groups, vocational skills training, school scholarships, and our trauma rehabilitation shelter program for women and children.



individuals healing through counseling & therapy

Each year we serve over a hundred refugees healing from trauma through individual counseling and group therapy.



individuals and families receiving emergency services

Each year we provide emergency services in the form of transitional housing, food, and medical services to over 250 individuals and families.


Our Programs


Scholarship Program for Refugee children

Each year, Amani Sasa sponsors refugees to attend elementary, middle, high school or university. This scholarship is given based on the potential of the student, their financial circumstances, and the vulnerability of the family.


Emergency services for vulnerable families

This program offers holistic care and compassion to refugee families who are experiencing crisis due to financial circumstances, trauma, and abuse. Our social work program is often a hub for our other ministry programs. As we minister to people in crisis we also want to see them experience healing and transformation to move forward in their lives as well as empowerment in order to avoid future financial crises and vulnerability.


Shelter Rehabilitation program

Amani Sasa began the first shelter for refugee women in Uganda in 2013. This shelter has now ministered to over 100 women and children. It includes an intensive 4 month program where women have the opportunity to have safe housing, food, education, counseling, group therapy, vocational training, discipleship, etc. This program serves the most vulnerable refugee women and children in our community who have severe trauma and who have experienced exploitation, abuse, and trafficking.


Men’s mentoring and vocational training program

This program serves as a space for men to experience holistic healing and transformation. They have the opportunity to go through group therapy, learn practical vocational training skills that help them find employment in Kampala and/or start a business. These men also have the opportunity to be mentored by male staff that invests in them through discipleship, coaching, etc.


Young Moms At Risk Program

This holistic program focuses on providing young pregnant refugee mothers access to pre and post natal medical care, a safe delivery, counseling, coaching and parenting/nutrition classes as well as vocational training. This program helps refugee mothers heal from severe trauma and abuse and helps ensure that their children grow up in a safe, loving environment.


Safe Childcare

Amani Sasa provides safe places for children to play and grow as their parents access vital emergency services, counseling, vocational training skills and education. Amani Sasa has a children's reception area, a comprehensive nursery and a playground.


Group therapy and individual counseling

These services provide refugees with the opportunity to process trauma they have been through and experience healing and transformation. Group therapy also serves as a mechanism for support and community, often leading into a savings group.


Savings and support groups

These groups serve as spaces for refugees to receive financial literacy and business training. This program is focused on serving the poorest of the poor (people living on less than $2 per day) and serves to be a long term “safety net” for vulnerable families. They provide members with access to interest free loans in case of a family emergencies, loans for their businesses, a place where they can save for school fees for their children, and much more.


Music training/therapy

Music therapy and learning musical instruments enables refugees to experience healing and transformation. It provides a way for them to express themselves without having to use words and is also a powerful way for them to encounter God’s hope and love. This program also helps to empower refugee churches through training refugee leaders as musicians.


Single Moms/Widows Program

This program provides group therapy and business training to refugee women, most of whom have never had the opportunity to attend school or vocational training. The majority of these moms are responsible for 6+ children and are the primary breadwinners for their family. The goal of this program is to provide a loving, supportive environment for these women to gain tangible skills that they can use to support themselves and their children. 


Get Involved

We couldn’t do the work we do without the generous support of donors, volunteers, advocates and cheerleaders (like you!). Here are a few ways you can stay involved and connected with us.


Learn about refugees In Uganda

Knowledge is power. Learn more about Kampala, Uganda and the refugees that live here.


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Your contribution today will a make difference in the lives of refugees in our community.